Going Global with General Mills

                General Mills is not happy when innovation is not taking place. This is why they are quite literally taking over the world. The company just recently finished a deal to take over Brazilian food company, Yoki. General Mills also sells products in Canada, Ireland and India to name a few. This rise in international business opens up new leadership jobs for people who are willing to develop and market new products in new countries. As new leaders come in with new ideas and new connections they enable the company to expand and lead new projects all over the world. The biggest role of entrepreneurs in General Mills is developing business in foreign countries.

                It takes a very special and talented leader to head such huge ventures in the business world so it comes as no surprise that General Mills has the number one leadership development ranking in the country. General Mills supplies its employees at all stages with mentors, access to leadership experts and speakers, training at the General Mills Institute, tuition reimbursement, and even individual development planning. They also pride themselves in the fact that over 85% of their leaders are promoted from within the company; people not only want to work there but they want to stay there. The General Mills current CEO, Ken Powell, is a great example of the kind of leader expected at the company. He is currently working with food producers in Africa to help them develop new techniques and means to be successful in their businesses. General Mill raises top notch leaders who not only help their company, but the whole world.


“General Mills CEO says company is ‘hungry to help’ food producers in Africa.” General Mills. General Mills, 18 Oct. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <http://www.generalmills.com/en/Media/NewsReleases/Library/2012/October/PartnersInFoodSolutions.aspx&gt;.

“General Mills completes Yoki acquisition.” General Mills. General Mills, 1 Aug. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <http://www.generalmills.com/en/Media/NewsReleases/Library/2012/August/yoki_8_1.aspx&gt;.

“General Mills No. 1 in leadership development ranking.” General Mills. General Mills, 11 Oct. 2012. Web. 18 Nov. 2012. <http://www.generalmills.com/en/Media/NewsReleases/Library/2012/October/LeadershipExcellence.aspx&gt;.

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